Friday, November 9, 2007


Thank god for Turner Classic Movies. It's my harbor in the storm. All that's wrong with life is swept away by the magic of the great movies of the past, uncut and commercial free, as they like to brag. It's not just what they program, but the way the movies are connected by an unceassing parade of bios, shorts, trailers and interviews. It's not a network, it's a universe. It lives in the past and it makes it gloriously alive. Now, if I could only learn how to do that.

Tonight I tuned in the middle of I REMEMBER MAMA, a great movie, so beautifully directed by George Stevens. I remember seeing this in a revival house in San Francisco, where the film takes place, with Michael Strong. We loved it so. We laughed so hard when Ellen Corby blurts out "The mail must go through!" when she meant "The show must go on!"